Furry alien

Scetch for an alien character
I hope you’ll forgive me for missing today’s update; today’s my birthday after all!
Last week was hopefully the last one that I was away on business. As a result I have only pencilled the next page. So I decided to give you this sketch for a furry alien character and even that is incomplete. I’m planning for him to appear in chapter 6.
Very cool, looking forward to seeing him 🙂 I need to get my rear in gear on my strip. Using this as inspiration I created one called Gayliens 😉 I just need to find a place to house it as I’m using my website to house a friend’s strip. The plot involves 2 human characters, Danny and Sam and an interdimensionally traveling reptilian character short named Quinton. Plus Danny’s sister Cassie. It’s going to be a fun strip 🙂
But why could we have seen him wearing slightly less… ^_^
Happy Birthday!