The Halloween greeting has two new characters, Erik and Kwame, who will appear shortly.
Archive for News
Hi guys! I’m back to normal routines and the weekly schedule for updates from this week on.
Summer is here and my vacation is coming soon. As usual I’m going to be updating every other week during the summer months to spread my buffer rather than having a hiatus over my vactions.
I did some site maintenance today. As you can see I installed the content warning script as well. So far the feedback is not against it 😉
I suddenly realized it’s SpaceBoiz’ fifth birthday! At the beginning I was afraid that nobody will read it. The first month SpaceBoiz got 295 visits. Today the visitor count is past 150,000. Big thaks to you! The thank you picture[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My pageview counter has rolled over the 1,000,000 mark and the visitor count is nearing fast 150 K. Thanks for your support! Special thanks to Bumwolf, Spunk Comics, Khaos Komix and Gay Comics List. With you support I had to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve started drawing Chapter 9 and should be ready to start updates next week. Meanwhile you have at leat till Christmas to vote on my poll. I’ve planned alternative plot lines for each of the options, so you decide 😉
While I was working on the script I decided to take a few days to finally finish (well, not quite 😉 ) the SpaceBoiz’ Guide to the Galaxy that I have been planning for a long time. It has taken[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is the last page of chapter 8 and also page 200! There will be a short pause as I need to work on the script for the next chapter. So you need to wait if you want to know[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…